About me

I am a Quantitative Researcher at Two Sigma in New York. In 2020-2022, I was a Goldstine Fellow at IBM Research in New York. In 2020, I completed my PhD at Princeton University under the supervision of Amir Ali Ahmadi. Before joining Princeton, I graduated from Ecole Polytechnique.
I am broadly interested in Polynomial Optimization, Dynamical Systems & Control, and Machine Learning. You can learn more about my work by having a look at my papers. In my spare time, I make Machine Learning and Optimization videos with a strong emphasis on building intuition with visual explanations.
You can contact me at: bachir009 [at] gmail [dot] com
I joined Two Sigma as a Quant Researcher.
New video on Kalman Filters
New video on Newton’s method in optimization
Slides I used for my Ph.D. dissertation defense.
New paper on motion planning using SDPs.
New video on Learning Dynamical Systems with Side Information.
I will be a Goldstine Fellow at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center starting in September.
The recording of my talk at MIT (Friday March 20th, 2020) is now available. Video, Slides.
Our recent paper on “Learning with Side Information” has been accepted for an oral presentation at the L4DC conference.
Slides for recent talk at Oberwolfach.
I received the Princeton SEAS Award for Excellence.
Cemil and I are organizing a session at INFORMS. Drop by if you are attending the conference.
I will be presenting in the IOS Award Presentations session at INFORMS in Seattle.
Recent talk on Generalized Cauchy-Schwarz Inequalities and his proof that all convex quaternary quartics are sums of squares. Video
I was a Keynote speaker at the Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference.
Excited to have won honorable mention in the 2019 INFORMS Optimization Society Student Paper Prize Competition, for my paper Time-Varying Semidefinite Programs.